Nudge. Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness

ISBN13: 9780300122237
Oldalszám: 304
Kiadó: Yale University Press - 2008

Ár [bruttó]: 7989 Ft |
További részletek
Every day, we make decisions on topics ranging from personal investments to schools for our children to the meals we eat to the causes we champion. Thaler and Sunstein invite us to enter an alternative world, one that takes our humanness as a given. They show that by knowing how people think, we can design choice environments that make it easier for people to choose what is best for themselves, their families, and their society. Thaler and Sunstein demonstrate how thoughtful choice architecture can be established to nudge us in beneficial directions without restricting freedom of choice.
Nudge offers a unique new take-from neither the left nor the right-on many hot-button issues, for individuals and governments alike.
Nudge offers a unique new take-from neither the left nor the right-on many hot-button issues, for individuals and governments alike.